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Your education, your way. Choose a course that aligns with your aspirations

We will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel in your professional field. Boost your confidence, master the field, become a certified professional.
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Foundational Data Science Course 

$600 CAD/mo
Billed every month

  • Unlimited Access to Content
  • Duration - 2 Months (15-20 Hours / Week)
  • Two Live Classes/Week With Flexible Scheduling (1.5 hr per class)
  • Progress Check: 1:1 With Instructor Every Week
  • Career Guidance Till You Don't Get Job

Intermediate Data Science Course

$800 CAD/mo
Billed every month
  • Unlimited Access to Content
  • Duration - 2 Months (15-20 Hours / Week)
  • Two Live Classes/Week With Flexible Scheduling (1.5 hr per class)
  • Progress Check: 1:1 With Instructor Every Week
  • Career Guidance Till You Don't Get Job

  • Participate in an internship spanning 80-100 hours and seize the opportunity to engage with live projects firsthand.

Advanced Data Science Course

$900 CAD/mo
Billed every month
  • Unlimited Access to Content
  • Duration - 3 Months (10-15 Hours / Week)
  • Two Live Classes/Week With Flexible Scheduling (1.5 hr per class)
  • Progress Check: 1:1 With Instructor Every Week
  • Career Guidance Till You Don't Get Job
  • Participate in an internship spanning 80-100 hours and seize the opportunity to engage with live projects firsthand.

What our learners say

I highly recommend Neerja as a data science teacher. Her expertise in the field is evident in the way she communicates complex concepts in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for students to grasp difficult concepts. Neerja is also highly dedicated to her students and goes above and beyond to ensure they have the resources they need to succeed, whether that's providing extra help outside of class or creating engaging and relevant assignments. Overall, Neerja is an outstanding teacher who is passionate about helping her students develop the skills they need to succeed in the exciting and rapidly-evolving field of data science.
I strongly recommend Neerja as an exceptional teacher of data visualization. Her ability to break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand parts made the learning experience both enjoyable and practical. I enjoyed so much being a student in her class. Her teaching style was interactive and engaging and provided opportunities for students to practice their skills through hands-on exercises and real-world examples. The knowledge I got from her is making me excel in my projects, so if you want to get a widely experienced professional don’t hesitate to contact her.
Isreal Diaz

Frequently asked questions

What types of professional backgrounds do students in data science bootcamps typically have?

Data science bootcamps often attract a diverse group of students with different backgrounds and levels of experience. Students come from non-technical backgrounds but have developed an interest in data science and are looking to pivot their careers towards this field. If you have background in computer science, mathematics its great but this is not required. Anybody can learn Data Science.

Are there any prerequisites for Foundational Data Science Course?

No, There is no prerequisites for this course. This is designed for technical and non technical background. If you already have basic knowledge about the python, statistics and exploratory data anlaysis then you can join Intermediate data science course.

What is the job placement rate or support provided for securing employment after completing the data science course?

We are committed to helping our graduates transition into the workforce successfully. We offer comprehensive career services to assist students in their job search. This includes resume building, interview preparation and career counselling sessions.
We also guide from time to time how to build a strong network with professionals. Building a strong professional network is crucial for career growth.
Our curriculum includes real-world projects that allow students to build a strong portfolio showcasing their practical skills and problem-solving abilities. This portfolio can be a powerful tool during job interviews.
To prepare our students for the job application process, we conduct mock interviews. This helps them gain confidence and refine their communication skills when discussing their technical expertise and project experiences.
While we do not guarantee specific job placements, our goal is to equip our graduates with the skills, knowledge, and support needed to pursue fulfilling careers in data science. We continuously iterate and improve our program based on industry feedback to ensure our students are well-prepared for the demands of the job market

How much hands-on experience and real-world projects are included in the course?

The bootcamp is designed to provide a substantial amount of hands-on experience through real-world projects. Our curriculum emphasizes practical application, allowing students to engage with industry-relevant challenges and build a solid foundation of skills. Throughout the program, you'll actively work on projects that simulate authentic scenarios, ensuring that you gain valuable experience applicable to the field of data science. This hands-on approach is integral to our teaching methodology, fostering a deeper understanding of concepts and enhancing your readiness for real-world applications in the field.
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